La Dolce Vita

Sunday, July 23, 2006

That's NO Lady.. it's Darcelle XV & Co.

July 22, 2006

The evening of July 22nd is written down to be an outrageous evening in my life. The reason.. me and roommate Ruth are going to a Drag Queen show in Old Town, Portland. The name of the show .. That's NO Lady.. it's Darcelle XV & Co.

They call themselves world famous female impersonators. An amatuer literati as I am, I eagerly looked forward to acquaint myself to this new form of art .. cabaret revues of Glitz, Glamour and Comedy where the performers are glamorous males! So, the technical point to be noted here is.. drag queens may be straight or gay men. However, after seeing last night's performances, I realized if those female impersonators were straight men they were really world class impersonators.. they were so nearly perfect in their expressions.

The show begins at about 8:30 in the evening. Me and Ruth reached there at about 8:00 paid the 15$ each and waited to be shown on to our seats for the night . After a while a gorgeous "lady " in his shimmering blue gown and 5" high wig appears. He walks us to our seats very close to the stage facing it sideways. While a waitress took our drink orders, I decided to request for a seat change .

So, after finding us comfortable seats we waited for the show to begin. The excitement was building up. It was a dingy little room with about 150 people (mostly females, few straight men and few not sures). The show began right on time. The yellow curtain rises in front of us and among shrieks and screeches in that smoky dingy hall, the performers take to the stage. One fabulous performance after another. Darcelle, the 75 year old producer and performer of the show breaks in , in between to crack us up with jokes of all kinds but mostly dirty. Ruth was good at filling me up at points where I couldnot comprehend the joke. That was very educating.

All in all it was great fun and a unique experience. There were some great artists performing up there perhaps experimenting, perhaps making a statement or perhaps simply finding that niche for themselves in life that we all attempt to do.

When heading back home in the MAX Ruth mentioned that culture should know no human bounds to flourish. I think her point was that Darcelle's show was nothing less than any cultural show with brilliant performers. Me being a romantic I could not agree less, where culture, an art form is art for art's sake ... L'art pour L'art.


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